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Honoring Our Fallen Union Members

Branch 283 is deeply saddened to announce the passing of our union Brothers and Sisters.

Allan L. Machart

Allan L. Machart passed away on January 25, 2024. Our brother was a long-standing and vocal advocate of organized labor. Allan was a lifetime member of our National Association of letter carriers, Branch 283, where he also served both as a union steward and as a delicate at our NALC national conventions.

Jose G. Cumpian

Jose G. Cumpian “Wally” passed away on February 12, 2024.

He was a diehard Marine-Oorah! He served in the United States Marine Corps from 1982-1985. Worked for the USPS for 32 years. His career started at the NASA Bay Post Office and then he transferred over to the Albert Thomas Post office until he retired in October 2022.

Elaine Miller

Elaine Miller, our union sister, passed away May 26, 2024.

She started her journey as a letter carrier back in June 1982 at the Harrisburg Post Office and retired from Eastwood Station. Elaine was a lifetime member of our National Association of letter carriers, Branch 283, and she was always willing to serve wherever she was needed. She helped with the Food Drive Committee, Retirement Committee and the Christmas party committee, and so many more.

Our Union Branch 283 sincerely gives our condolences to the family of our passing members. Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers, and that we are sharing in your sorrow. We hope you all find peace and comfort in your time of grief.

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